For 2024, the deadline was Aug 2 at 5pm. However, if you still need to take the placement, you can still do so by following the below instructions. You may also email the placement chair, Professor Chao ([email protected]), if you are unsure of how to proceed.
If you have taken an economics course or economics standardized test before, or if you have any similar economics background, then you must take this placement assessment. Department faculty will use the placement results and your economics background to determine which economics course we recommend as your starting point in our department. If you have background in only one out of microeconomics and macroeconomics, you still must take this assessment, since it is possible to get placement for just one of the two topics.
If you have no prior economics background, there is no need for you to take the placement assessment. For students with no prior economics background, your first economics course should be ECON 110, which you can register for without taking this placement assessment. (You may also begin with a 100-level elective numbered below 110; just be aware those do not count towards the major).
Taking the placement assessment will never prevent you from still taking any economics course you wish to, such as our introductory Econ 110 and 120 courses. Thus, taking this assessment will never reduce the number of economics course options available to you. It will simply give you better information on which courses likely make sense for you.
Summary of the Assessment
The placement assessment consists of four sections and should take about an hour to complete (you will have a maximum of two hours once you begin). We recommend finding a quiet location with a reliable internet connection. We summarize each section below.
Section 1: Honor Code Statement
Williams College prides itself on the Honor Code. In this section, you will be asked to acknowledge that you have read the Honor Code statement and that you agree to abide by the code. The placement assessment is closed-notes and closed-book. Access to information and help other than that provided with the placement assessment is in violation of the Honor Code (and would of course only cause us to provide an inaccurate placement recommendation).
Section 2: Economics Background
In this section, you will provide a basic description of your math and economics background, including prior economics classes and exam scores.
Section 3: Microeconomics Content
This section consists of approximately 20 multiple choice questions about microeconomics. If you are unfamiliar with the topic in any question, you can always select “I don’t think I’ve seen this before” or “I can’t remember how to do it.” If you have not taken microeconomics before and just want to get to the macro section, you may skip the micro section entirely, or you can simply select “I don’t think I’ve seen this before” for every question in Section 3. You cannot skip this section if you have background in micro content.
Section 4: Macroeconomics Content
This section consists of approximately 20 multiple choice questions about macroeconomics. If you have not taken macroeconomics, and you are only taking the exam for the micro section, you can skip this section entirely, or you can simply select “I don’t think I’ve seen this before” for every question in Section 4. You cannot skip this section if you have background in macro content.
Do not worry if there are many topics you have not seen before. It is NOT meant to be evaluated according to standard grading thresholds that you might be used to – it may be difficult even for those who have already completed ECON 110 and 120, and in some years, even a 50% on a section can indicate strong economics knowledge and be placement-worthy. (This percentage varies by year, depending on the difficulty of that year’s questions). Simply do the best you can and let us handle the rest.
Students can access the assessment now at the following link: You will need to log into GLOW using your Williams ID and password. If you do not know your ID and password, you can email for help.
The assessment deadline was 5pm ET on August 2, 2024. We will email students on August 4 or 5 with your placement recommendation. If you are taking the assessment later than August 2, you may still do so, but please complete it asap. To reiterate, all incoming first-years with prior economics background should take the assessment; those with no prior economics background do not need to take it.
All questions about access to the assessment should be directed to the current placement chair (Professor Matthew Chao: